Cabernet Franc

Cabernet Franc is one of the major black grape varieties worldwide. It is principally grown for blending with Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot in the Bordeaux style, but can also be vinified alone, as in the Loire’s Chinon.

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Cabernet Franc

In addition to being used in blends and produced as a varietal in Canada and the United States, it is sometimes made into ice wine in those regions.

Cab-Franc is lighter than Cabernet Sauvignon, making a bright pale red wine that contributes finesse and lends a peppery perfume to blends with more robust grapes. Depending on the growing region and style of wine, additional aromas can include tobacco, raspberry, bell pepper, cassis, and violets.

Records of Cabernet Franc in Bordeaux go back to the end of the 18th century, although it was planted in Loire long before that time. DNA analysis indicates that Cabernet Franc is one of two parents of Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, and Carménère.

Across the world Cabernet Franc is one of the twenty most widely planted grape varieties. Plantings are found throughout Europe, in the New World, China and Kazakhstan. In many regions, it is planted as a component of a Bordeaux-style blend such as Meritage, playing secondary role to Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot. In parts of northeast Italy, Anjou-Saumur, Touraine and the right bank region of Bordeaux, Cab-Franc both plays a more prominent role in blends and is vinted as a varietal.

Other names include:

Acheria, Ardounet, Aroia, Arrouya, Auxquels, Baro, Beron, Bidure, Bordeaux, Bordo, Bordo Magher, Boubet, Bouchet, Bouchet Franc, Bouchet Saint-Emilion, Bouchy, Breton, Burdeas Tinto, Cabernet, Cabernet Aunis, Cabernet Bresciano, Cabernet D’Aunis, Cabernet Franc Blauer, Cabernet Franc Crni, Cabernet Franc Nero, Cabernet Franc Noir, Cabernet Francese, Cabernet Franco, Cabernet Frank, Cabernet Gris, Cabonet, Cabrunet, Capbreton, Capbreton Rouge, Carbenet, Carbonet, Carbouet, Carmene, Carmenet, Carmenet Grand, Carne Fran, Couahort, Crouchen Negre, Crouchen Noir, Fer Servadou, Fer Servandou, Gamput, Gro Kaberne, Gro Vidyur, Gro Vidyuz, Gros Bouchet, Gros Bouschet, Gros Caberne, Gros Cabernet, Gros Vidure, Gros Vidyuz, Grosse Vidure, Hartling, Kaberne, Kaberne Fran, Kaberne Frank, Kabernet Frank Breton, Karmene, Messanges, Messanges Rouge, Morenoa Veron Bouchy, Noir Dur, Petit Fer, Petit Viodure, Petite Vidure, Petite Vignedure, Plan Des Sables, Plant Breton, Plant De L’Abbe Breton, Qro Kaberne, Qro Vidyuz, Sable Rouge, Trouchet, Trouchet Noir, Tsapournako, Verdejilla Tinto, Veron, Veron Bouchy, Veronais, Vidure, Vuidure.

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